Rushden Academy
Case Study

Rushden Academy needed to replace their dated and dangerous Granwood sports hall floor with a spectacular new ‘fit for purpose’ indoor sports surface.

When an Academy school in Northamptonshire needed to replace their dated and dangerous Granwood sports hall floor with a spectacular new ‘fit for purpose’ indoor sports surface, they turned to international flooring specialist Gerflor to supply 400m2 in ‘Dark Blue’ of their world class Olympic standard Taraflex® Performance vinyl sports floor.


It would prove to be a refurbishment project that yielded a fantastic end result for both the Academy and the appointed Specifier.


Rushden Academy is an Academy school in Rushden, Northamptonshire, which was founded in 1977. The school was formerly the Chichele College for Girls until 1991 when it was amalgamated to become The Rushden School, rebranding as the Rushden Community College in 2005 and as Rushden Academy in 2014.

"We chose Taraflex® Performance from Gerflor because of the versatility and durability of the sports surface. This was the perfect decision, as the sports hall is used for a wide range of sporting activities, plus exams and occasionally large assemblies."
GERFLOR - SQR (Person Icon)
Lee Ward
Site Manager, Rushden Academy

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