Located in Nottingham, the Bingham Leisure centre is a community-based fitness facility aimed at providing both fun and fitness to enable residents to stay fit, active and healthy.
Experts are constantly telling us that if we’re not getting enough regular exercise, we’re depriving ourselves of possibly the most powerful medicine of all, and the government recommended guidelines are 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week.
It’s a notion that’s been a contributory factor to the burgeoning growth and development of sports and leisure centres in the UK. Located in Nottingham, the Bingham Leisure centre is a community-based fitness facility aimed at providing both fun and fitness to enable residents to stay fit, active and healthy.
The centre offers a 25m competition pool, 12.5m teaching pool, fitness suite, sports hall, aerobics studios and an outdoor athletics track. The centre is operated by Parkwood Leisure who have been working in partnership with Local Authorities to deliver leisure services for over twenty years.