First it is important to define multi-use. A sports hall being used for exams occasionally should be specified as sports hall first and foremost with sport taking priority.
First it is important to define multi-use. A sports hall being used for exams occasionally should be specified as sports hall first and foremost with sport taking priority. For other non-sport use the Taraflex® range of Taraflex® Multi-Use, Taraflex® Evolution and Taraflex® Performance have unique properties which means recovery from indentation is no problem.
If extremely heavy point loads are to be in place then protection is a good precaution to take. We know that most Taraflex® floors are constantly used for non-sport use and present very few challenges.
If an area does need to be protected, Taraflex® Bateco is a removable protective surface made from 100% recycled material that you can be assured will not damage your floor, unlike some other cheaper rubber backed products.
A recent refurbishment, due to the failure of the old Victorian timber floor in the sports hall, saw international flooring specialist Gerflor supply 104m2 of its world-renowned Taraflex® vinyl sports flooring.